A class that extends the TextLoader class. It represents a document loader that loads documents from a CSV file. It has a constructor that takes a filePathOrBlob parameter representing the path to the CSV file or a Blob object, and an optional options parameter of type CSVLoaderOptions or a string representing the column to use as the document's pageContent.


  • TextLoader
    • CSVLoader




options: CSVLoaderOptions = {}


  • A protected method that parses the raw CSV data and returns an array of strings representing the pageContent of each document. It uses the dsvFormat function from the d3-dsv module to parse the CSV data. If the column option is specified, it checks if the column exists in the CSV file and returns the values of that column as the pageContent. If the column option is not specified, it converts each row of the CSV data into key/value pairs and joins them with newline characters.


    • raw: string

      The raw CSV data to be parsed.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    An array of strings representing the pageContent of each document.

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